LIVRO VERDE: Individuais e Privados: Advertising Standards Authority

1. Introduction

1.1. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is grateful for the opportunity to respond to the European Commission Green Paper on online gambling in the internal market.

1.2. The ASA is the UK self-regulatory body for ensuring that all advertisements, wherever they appear, are legal, decent, honest and truthful. More detailed information can be found on our website www.asa.org.uk.

1.3. The ASA is surprised by the absence of any reference to self-regulation in the Green Paper as a means of securing consumer protection from potentially harmful or misleading commercial communications for online gambling services. Self-regulation has been effective at national level in the UK, where we have a fully regulated gambling industry, and self-regulation in advertising is widely used across the EU as a means of gaining fast and effective consumer protection.

1.4. This submission provides:

A summary of the UK advertising self-regulatory system. More detailed information can be found on our website www.asa.org.uk.
A response to the specific consultation questions relating to the regulation of commercial communications for (online) gambling services (Questions 11, 25 & 26).
A view on the role of self-regulation.

  Saiba mais:  Documento disponibilizado pela  Comissão Europeia

Desde 2004

JOGO REMOTO   Observatório do Jogo Remoto.   Jogo Responsável   Jogo Excessivo   Regulação   Fraude Desportiva.   Responsible Gambling
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