LIVRO VERDE – Individuais e Privados: BMIT


BMIT welcomes the Consultation launched by the Commission on Online Gambling in the internal market. The online gambling providers established in Malta and other European countries remain a significant majority of BMIT’s market for its Information Society Services (ISS). For this reason BMIT believes that the current legislative changes taking place in various member states and any future Europe-wide initiative will directly affect its operations. Notwithstanding, BMIT and similar ISS providers supply a content neutral service not unlike that provided to other highly regulated service sectors, such as the financial services sector.

Moreover, BMIT believes that the continuous technological developments in the ICT sector (such as cloud computing) are indeed a vehicle for the growth of e-commerce in the EU, including online gambling, and should therefore not be stultified by unwarranted, ill-informed regulation or regulation that is not based on evidence.

  Saiba mais:  Documento disponibilizado pela  Comissão Europeia

Desde 2004

JOGO REMOTO   Observatório do Jogo Remoto.   Jogo Responsável   Jogo Excessivo   Regulação   Fraude Desportiva.   Responsible Gambling
OJR   Visite o Observatório do Jogo Remoto, provavelmente a maior base de dados existente, sobre jogo online… aqui
OJR   Conheça e acompanhe o desenvolvimento do nosso projeto europeu … aqui
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