LIVRO VERDE – Individuais e Privados: Aktiebolaget Trav och Galopp

ATG has the right to offer horse betting services in the Swedish market in accordance with the conditions and requirements that the Swedish government has decided upon and deemed appropriate for Sweden with a view to the Swedish consumers.

ATG has experience of operators both based in the EU as well as outside the EU who have a non-Swedish license and who offer and market their services in Sweden.

It is ATG’s view that both of these two types of operators have the same effect on the Swedish market. There is no difference if the operator’s license is from another EU Member State or from outside the EU; the criteria for obtaining licenses can be extremely low and not matching the requirements in Sweden. Furthermore, these operators offer their services without subjecting themselves to the same level of control or taxation of the Swedish government.

In the area of horse betting, gambling companies operating from outside of Sweden often use Swedish horse races (information, databases, results, etc.) as subject for their service offering, and without giving compensation to the organizer of the horse race. Furthermore, the foreign operator does not give any compensation to the Swedish trotting and thoroughbred sports whose existence largely relies on the money from betting that is directed back to them.

In general, it could be said that companies operating from outside of Sweden are taking clients from the Swedish regulated market for trotting and thoroughbred racing. Competition resulting from on-line gambling companies operating from outside of Sweden takes place at uneven rules. These operators from outside of Sweden do not offer gambling services based on the Pari Mutuel Model (Totalisator Model).

Furthermore, these operators do not abide by the same regulatory framework as the State regulated companies when it comes to consumer protection, taxes to the Swedish State, payments directed back to the horseracing sport, and limits on the percentage of payments back to players.

  Saiba mais:  Documento disponibilizado pela  Comissão Europeia

Desde 2004

JOGO REMOTO   Observatório do Jogo Remoto.   Jogo Responsável   Jogo Excessivo   Regulação   Fraude Desportiva.   Responsible Gambling
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