Children’s Charities’ Coalition on Internet Safety
Since the online age verification laws came into force in the UK, in September 2007, the children’s organizations have not been made aware of a single instance where a child has beaten the system and got online to gamble. There have been instances where a child has “borrowed” a parent’s credit or debit card and been able to pass themselves off as the parent, but that raises different issues. There is nothing that laws can do about that, neither is there an
easily foreseeable technology fix that can solve it. However, we are not aware of any instances where a child was able to lie about their age and get away with it in an online environment, as they used to do quite easily before the law was changed. By comparison it may not be so difficult to “PhotoShop” a fake ID to use in a real world setting. The law should never require an online gambling to get everything 100% right 100% of the
time. That is impossible. But society is entitled to expect gambling web sites to be able to demonstrate that they are making reasonable efforts. Asking someone to tick a box to confirm their age, without more, is not reasonable. It is negligent.
Saiba mais: Documento disponibilizado pela Comissão Europeia
Desde 2004
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