Helmut Kafka, President, Automatenverband.at, AUSTRIA
There are very good and also pointless studies with erroneous numbers and “modified” conclusions circulating. Also parts of some studies are recommendable, however, there are often national studies written in the interest of certain parties or they are not sufficiently scientifically scrutinized and approved. One bad example for instance is the Commission’s study of 2006: Its numbers are useless, for instance, where football tables, darts and videogames where counted together as gambling machines with real gambling machines and then gambling “conclusions” where drawn from those numbers!
Another bad example is the new Austrian “Player’s Protection” survey, indirectly paid for by the Austrian lotteries, which comes up with incorrect details and partly very unrealistic results, maybe due to the fact, that an insufficient number of persons were interviewed. However, it also warns, that too severe or drastic restrictions for online gambling, for whatever reasons, could mean, that players would shift their focus to (more attractive)
unregulated markets.
Saiba mais: Documento disponibilizado pela Comissão Europeia
Desde 2004
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